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My assistant is a pain

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I'm sure we've all done it before- you want to get as far through a season as possible but find yourself running out of time for the day. Next thing you know you are playing a match and are 3-0 down after 25 minutes. Realising your chances of winning are nearly nonexistant, you go on holiday for 1 day just to get the match over and done with so you can squeeze one more match in that you might actually win.

Now, i know it isnt realistic, but it does help avoid frustration when you want to get some games done and dont want to sit around waiting for an annoying match to finish. Leaving things in charge of the assistant seems like a good idea and it would be, if only it wasnt for the fact that they always seem to fine my players for bad performances. I never fine them for this as they almost always get unhappy (i just say im angry in the post match team talk and drop them if they do it too regularly). The assistant cant help himself however so, every time i try and speed things up, i end up with an unhappy squad. There should be an option telling him that while i am away i dont want him to fine any of my players as i am only away for a short while and can deal with any problems on my return

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