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Best laptop I can buy for £700?

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I can't get FM09 to run on my 5 year old desktop, and its highly likely I will have to buy a new computer, preferably a laptop, in order to play it.

I'm no computer expert, and there are so many laptops to choose from i wouldnt know where to start!

So I thought I'd ask you guys what the best laptop I could get is?

My budget is about £700, and I will probably be using it for gaming and movie editing mostly.

Thanks in advance!

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Depends a lot on what games etc If you want to play the new games such as Crysis or Call of duty Desktops are Imo much better and have a tendency to last a lot longer as you can upgrade them and get a lot higher specs for you're money! But i could recommend what to get but i know what i have said is true :p

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