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Explanations on features within FM


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Just been scimming the boards for the first time in absolutely ages and had a small idea for future versions.

Can we have some sort of detail on certain actions we take.

I'll give you an example to illustrate my point (and one i've just seen on this board):

Sending a player to a physio or a specialist has cost considerations. Although it may seem completely obvious to some people, it did not really occur to me until i read the post that sending him to a specialist costs more money.

Perhaps there could be a small explanation box in such scenarios? It could be something very simple such as:

"Hint: sending player x to the specialist will help speed his recovery and prevent any recurrance of the injury, however it will cost your club considerably more than if he was treated in house"

Anyway, cheers for listening and apologies for the vague title.

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