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Football manager 09 Sooo Slow!!!

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Okay it took me ages to find a way to play the game. I've got past all the "End Now" on the game.

It doesnt crash anymore. But im finding it runs very slow. Slower thn FM 08! It takes over 10 mins when it goes through the international scores! I have tried settin this 2 minimum so i did not recieve any of the scores but i still recieve most of the scores and it takes agessssss to progress. I have started my season and the transfer window has just shut for august, i started on date july 1st and its taken something like 3hrs 2 mins 2 reach the start of september.

There is nothing wrong with my computer because i bought loadz of ram last year and when i installed the game i had lots and lots of room left 4 other things

Can any1 help me speed things up ?


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