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All three mediums of activation are faulty

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As much as I hate to start a new thread simply to echo earlier sentiments I believe that the only way to get across just how threaders I am regarding this is to up the volume of complaints.

I love FM, so imagine my delight when the new game I had waited months for arrived in my pidgeon hole this morning. I was like a 9 year old child for a good few hours.

However, upon trying to install via my STEAM account (which I had to get for the demo much to my chagrin), I was politely and succinctly informed that I wasn't currently connected to the internet (having deciphered the incredible font of the activation code). I assure you I am, and I hope this post serves as proof. Never mind, I'll try UniLoc, because SI had clearly had the foresight to use a contingency plan. Same problem. Over, and over again

3rd time lucky, let's give them I ring. So I rang. And rang. And rang. An answer. Disconnected.

So, having been lucky enough to get an afternoon off from work (doesn't come along that often where I work), I ahve wasted a good half of it attempting to get a game running. Now I've paid for this game, £30 I believe, and as such I should be able to play it. I appreciate SI are (hopefully) working on a fix, yet when I pay for something, unless it comes with the overt admission that it cannot be used for a while, or will not arrive until a certain date, it should be usable then. This is not, and as such, I am furious.

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