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FM 2009 in South Korea?

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Hey hey,

I'm currently in South Korea - eagerly waiting for the greatest game ever to be released in November. A couple of questions:

Will there be english copies of the game sold in South Korea?

If not, is it possible to download from STEAM and pay with credit card in Korean won?

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Er.. Annyong. I'm in Korea too and also weighing up the options.

But, do you not get this when you search for FM2009 on Steam?


An error was encountered while processing your request:

This item is currently unavailable in your region

Here's a link to the home page.

I'm thinking I'll have to grin and bear the two week wait for delivery from the UK.

Failing that, do you live in Seoul? If you can find an electronics shop in Itaewon they mght have a US version, or perhaps a better option is Yongsang, home of the biggest electronic complex in Korea, in Asia, in the world. One of them. It's pretty sprawlingly big. I'm going to have a walk around them both on release weekend.

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basically, from what i can tell...

no, steam won't work in korea..

no, they won't sell an english version at yongsan (but why can't miles just put english AND korean as the available languages? *laughs*)

no, you can't download it from boonty

the only solution that i've found (albeit a bit twisty) is to download the demo, buy the korean version, and then cut and paste the english language pack from the demo into that...i hope that works, otherwise, i'm out 45,000 won or so!

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