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Couple of questions about CA

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I have agreed a deal for Tales to come to my Celtic team and in game he will arrive on 20th Jan 2008 and its currently 4 Oct 2007 but he has sustained a big injury and will be out for 8 months. This made me wonder he is 17 years old so I was wondering will this injury make his CA drop? Also will this erious injury affect the chances of him reaching his PA or does that only happen if the player gets several injuries?

I also messed around on another game and added several of my mates to the game all with a CA of 140 and a PA of -10 most of the players ended up at big clubs. There was 2 however who had Iceland as nationality and ended up at Icelandic clubs all the players started the game at the ages between 17-19. Using Genie scout the two players in Iceland had a lower CA than when they started is this just because the clubs are Icelandic and have bad training and he is not playing against good opponants or is it something else?

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