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FM2010 - Slow Down Issues - Help Please!

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Hi Guys,

Desperately need some technical help with FM2010, apologise in advance if this is in the incorrect forum, wasn't sure where else to post it!

For some reason all of a sudden certain tabs have started to slow down and take a few seconds to get in to, where before they were pretty much instantaneous.

In particular this happens when on a player profile screen when I try to click on the buttons:- Attributes, Positions, Personal, Contract & Transfer and on the tabs:- Profile, Stats, Training, Reports, Comparison, History, Notes. I will click on any of these and it takes a few seconds to go into the screen that I have selected, as I said before this used to be pretty much instantaneous!

Does anyone have any idea why this has started doing this? I have tried to do a disk clean up & de frag but this hasn't done anything. Is there something in settings that would help sort this out?!

Thanks in advance guys, this is becoming very annoying for me!

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Definitely running latest patch, have been since 2010! Lol.

By background applications do you mean just general programs running in the background or hidden ones? I dont have any programs that I wouldnt usually have running unless they are hidden ones?

Anti Virus sounds most plausible. Any ideas how I check if my Anti Virus is sweeping the game in real time?

Thanks for the reply!

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