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Tactic Familiartiy Dropped After Pre Season Break

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Got the Man City Job in my second season after being at Aston Villa, there was only about 8 games left in the PL so the familiarity was at about 75% but when my players have returned the next season this has dropped to about 45-50% depending on which of my starting 3 tactics you look at. Ive sold a few reserve team players and a first team Keeper and only brought one player in as yet so not sure why this has happened. Anyone any ideas?

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Familiarity will drop slightly over the break, I suspect you'v seen a larger than average drop because your team was still adapting to your tactics when the break started.

With careful monitoring over pre-season you should be able to get that percentage close to 100% for the season opener.

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It's normal.

Depending on how soon and how much match prep you do at the start of the season - and how many formations - you should be back to fluid at the end of august, sometimes not untill the end of september.

But remember that the amount of match prep you do will have an effect on the "normal" training. So be wise.

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