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What Flair Is?

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The "moves" available to a player are determined by their "technique." Flair modifies a player's decision-making so they will do unexpected things but they will still be constrained by the options defined by their technique.

The official definition of Flair: "A natural talent for the creative and occasional unpredictability."

Basically, a player with Flair can make himself hard to "read" and will make decisions that defenders aren't expecting. Whether these "flair decisions" are good decisions is determined by their technique (the technical "moves" available), their decisions (their ability to pick out options with a high probability of success), their anticipation (their ability to determine what players around them are going to do next) and the specific technical attribute they're using (for example, passing or dribbling). In this sense, Flair is a "neutral" attribute, as it can be either a positive or negative characteristic based on the player's other attributes. For example, a player with high Flair and low Decisions will be even more likely to "flashy mistakes" rather than sticking to more basic, high-probability-of-success options (e.g., a simple pass).

In terms of the game mechanics, "Flair" is a player's ability to override an opponent's "Anticipation" and cause them to make a defensive mistake (in most cases, this means moving into the wrong position and accidentally creating space for the player to run into).

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