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How does the game know what day it is (in real life)?

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Earlier today (November 8th 2011) I was playing Football Manager. This evening I have also been playing it, but a different save from earlier. I just noticed that the game thinks that the save that I am currently playing was last saved on the 9th of November, and that the one I was playing this afternoon was last saved on the 8th. It is not yet the 9th of November here. The clock on my computer is set to the current time for where I am (ie. my computer knows that the local time is 20:28 8th November 2011 and reports it as such).

Admittedly, it is now the 9th of November in the UK, where the game came from, and where my Steam account is registered to, but surely this isn't causing the game to use UK time is it?

I realise that this is probably completely inconsequential (although I have experienced problems with software in the past related to different parts of the computer or a network disagreeing over the time) and will have no effect on my game-playing experience, I just think it's a little strange.

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