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Database Size Question

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I am looking to start a new save but instead of doing what I normally do which is load up as many leagues and players as I possibly can and go through a season a month I am looking to cut back in the number of leagues and players. My question is in what way will this effect newgens later in the game. Will there be a lack of them or will they filter through at roughly the same level?

I don't know if this has been brought up before and it probably is a stupid question but and answer would be great

Thanks in advance

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On my laptop that isn't all that powerful I have limited the number of playable leagues but still keep a large database, the game flows at a rather good and steady pace like this. The amount of players in the game is kept fairly constant as far as I know so if you start with a smaller database the playerselection in the future will of course be smaller than if you chose a larger database, but the number of players should be at the same lvl as it was when you started the game.

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I generally play with higher rep teams and leagues, so don't see the need to load the large db and all the mediocre players that go with it. If you player lower league, the larger db would be advantageous as you will get more regens that are likely to be interested in playing at that level.

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