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Bizarre behaviour using private chat

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So, i received the ass man monthly reports, and he told me this young kids training was lacking. I then proceeded to a private chat with him, and after trying every option available to get him to train harder unssucessfully and getting called names and stuff (wich is silly by itself, considering the kid loves to play for the club according to his status, so threatening him should be enough to get him to try harder in training), i tried to warn him i was going to place him on the transfer list if his training didnt improve.

To my awe, he not only refused to accept to improve his training, but he also requested to be placed on the transfer list. I accepted his claim, and when i clicked on him, he had on his short term plans (concerned) doesnt want to leave the club, and right above it on his general happinness (expecting to leave the club soon).

Now my question is... dablyou tee ef mate (wtf mate) ?

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