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Using Fake Players

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I did it a few times. I'll give you the pros & cons of my experience.


A larger challenge. You don't know any of the players.

Feels more rewarding.


History isn't made up. You can't see what a 30 year old player did a few year ago (at the start of the game.)

Biography is a bit bugged. It seems to not show the first club the player played at after you or somebody else signed him.

Only problems I've had with it are little things like you can see above. Overall, I'd recommend starting a save with fake players, it's rather enjoyable.

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As far as I know, most fake players are generated based on the original players. Their nationality and name are definitely change. Also their age and attributes may be a bit different. I haven't played that way for a while so I'm may be misremembering something.

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