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Logged to channel:warnings-and-error / Warning: array access out of bounds

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Dear, SI and fellow players,

I'm managing PSV and apply for vacant Milan Job.

As I hit continue, a box pop up titled: Logged to channel:warnings-and-error containing message of Warning: array access out of bounds

My question:

- What caused this ?

- What is affected by that ?

I can continue the game btw. and if i reload the game and not apply to Milan job that message didn't appear.


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yes, i have gigs of custom pics and custom commentary.

thanks, i'll try to clear the cache.

but, what i really wanna ask if what caused it since it is not happening if i didn't applying (i'm in 2016 game year) ; it never happen before. And I can close the warning box, continue the game that seem nothing wrong. But i really wanna know if something my affected. Surely some SI programmer can shed light on this ?

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yeah the problem with add on's is none of them are tested by SI with the game, one pic or graphic could be having an adverse effect on the game, id suggest getting rid of all the add on's and seeing if it still happens, if not you could safely assume its to do with one of them, if it still happens i would suggest logging it and asking the dev's in the bug forum to have a look.

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Same issue, mine happened just after I applied for the Red Star Belgrade job, never happened before in this save and I have applied for several jobs post-11.3. As OP states, nothing seems to have happened to my game, I can still play, but also I have a fear that at some point the game will fail, and as I'm currently in 2023, I'd rather it didn't!

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