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Windowed mode (crash dumps)

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As I have had several crash dumps in my different saves, I was looking at the possible solutions and everyone where I read said they did windowed mode and never got this again. I would just like to know how many of you people are playing with windowed mode and has or has not recieved a crash dump while playing in this windowed mode? Also if you are playing with windowed mode and you have not got a crash dump do you still have many leagues loaded?

Please give feedback

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I'm on windowed mode, have a bagload of leagues loaded, am into 2023, and have never had a crashdump. I've had the last few FM's on windowed mode, and haven't had crash dumps on them either. I'd never made the correlation before though...


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I think I must be getting this crash dump problem because the game always crashes to the task bar where I have to click on the bar line to bring the game back up. I'm not certain if my game is in window mode? How do I set window mode if it isn't? Thank you for your time.

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