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Manager relationships

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So far I've seen "Feels the two of you could become friends", "No opinion" and "Has a fairly poor opinion of you" - which all seem to be fairly random in their placement. I've seen people switch their opinion of me every other month or so, so I'm wondering what the point of this feature is. So! On to the questions!

1. Have you ever seen any other relationships for you and other managers?

2. Have you any idea how you're supposed to change (and keep) such opinions without talking about them every week?

3. Any other information anyone can offer on this?

Genuinely interested in this as it seems like a neat little feature that never truly establishes itself in any of my play-throughs.

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Never seen anything different than those 3 you stated, ans they seem random, one game Avram Grant feels the two of us could become friends, then the next he has a poor opinion, then the next he best buds again. Its not a reaction to anything I say in the press because I never attend press conferences or speak to press (waist of time, pointless feature that adds nothing to the game)

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It is affected first by club rivalries (e.g. if you take over Utd. Wegner is going to hate your guts), then by media interaction, and I think also by attempts to unsettle or buy important players (not sure on the last one, but have seen a few relationships worsen after such attempts).

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