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It kinda depends on the youngster. I mean if he already have good mental stats, then there is little reason to tutor him. But if he has low stats it can be beneficial to tutor him ... and then you will probably want to do it multiple times, as you can't expect an unprofessional and unambitious youth to go to other end of the scale in one tutoring session. The amount of stat shift also depends a lot on luck and chance.

As for recommendations, I would say anyone with good 'Determination', 'Professionalism' and 'Ambition' scores. You might want to look for people of the following personalities:

'Ambitious' : high Ambition score (other mental stats might be low though)

'Professional' : high Professionalism score and medium to high Temperament.

'Light-hearted': Good Sportsmanship and Pressure, medium to high Determination and Temperament. I like this one as, in my tests, there are rarely conflicts with the youngster, and it gives good average stat shifts.

'Determined': high Determination and medium to high Ambition

For more info, check this thread: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/213536-Tutoring-results-test

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