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The polygon

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For this year's FM, SI had the wonderful idea to include a polygon next to the players' faces, that gives a general view of the players' attributes.

Personally i find this incredibly useful, because there are some players that have some high attributes, but they don't have much influence in the player's game. Like Cristian Alvarez, who has three or four 19s, but they are for corners and long throws, so a person thinks he's very good but then he isn't. The polygon gives you that view of the player's ability in the attack, defense, physique, etc.

I only use players pictures at the moment because if i turn player pics off the polygoes goes as well.

After seeing lots of polygons, you get the idea for the polygon that fits the position. For example, a good striker usually has a heart-like polygon. A good CB has a polygon that's only big on the top.

By now, i discovered some unusual polygons. My favorite is definitely Antonio Cassano's. If you see another player with a polygon like this tell me, because i haven't.


So, have you found some weird polygons? Post them here.

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Good postr, Kingjericho. I must say I've never considered it this way before. Your analogy of comparing position to the shape of the polygon has got me thinking.


Perhaps you could list Cassano's ploygon as an open box. Looking at it I'd think he would be great in a creative midfield role; getting forward to support the attackers and taking the teams dead balls. Looking at FM, I see I'm right.

Looking at my own team of lower league football's stars, it doesn't work quite as well. They all seem to fold into circles with the odd point here and there.

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