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patch help please

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ive downloaded the new patch and then i click ope and it says find a program. ive read through here and it says ad exe or woteva but its allready got that on the end. ive tried it 3 times so its not a corrupt file any ideas?

Did you download the patch through a torrent? If so, you might not have a torrent reader.

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What is it it with these corrupted downloads. Sorry Vic, but this is peeving me off

It's basically the same system as when you save and load a file. When you save something, its content gets converted from what you've typed into computer speak, so it can be stored on the hard drive. When you load it, it's converted back to what you typed.

What's happened here is that somewhere along the converting line, some bit of code failed to turn back into human speak, and therefore, the file got corrupted.

Hope I explained that okay. :)

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Yeah Vic, I am in no doubt you know what you are are saying. Trust me I am not trying to disrepect you, you have an understanding of this ofc, but what I am trying to convey, with the the correct coding, this should not happen. If I am lacking in the art of coding, please explain. You obvoiusly know what you are talking about and I would be very keen to tap into that :)

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It's not the coding's fault actually. It can happen randomly and, if anything is at fault, it's the system doing the converting. So it's very much either bad luck or something wrong with people's computers that is causing the problem.

If it was a problem with the coding, then it would happen to everyone, and it isn't.

And I'm not taking offense. Why would I? :D

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