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Has anyone ever come across Senah Mango ?

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Attacking the refs used to be in years ago in previous games, but SI ended up taking that out of the game for legal reasons. So I don't know what this guy did to get banned, but it couldn't have been for attacking the ref. I don't know anything else that could have banned him, maybe a failed drugs test?

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Attacking the refs used to be in years ago in previous games, but SI ended up taking that out of the game for legal reasons. So I don't know what this guy did to get banned, but it couldn't have been for attacking the ref. I don't know anything else that could have banned him, maybe a failed drugs test?

Has this been taken out? I am sure one of my players on an earlier save got banned for a while for doing this. Maybe it was during one of my less lucid moments (read P!$sed moment) and didn't actually happen.

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Ive come across him before, as i was buying jordan and andre ayew and he was on andre's favoured personel. He was cheap so i got him too and hes still got the global ban on mine too, dunno what he done to get it tho.

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Just read up on him, and I think he may have been banned for joining OM prior to his 18th birthday - despite the fact that U18 Togolese players are not allowed to play abroad.

From a (poor) translation of a news article:

Arrived very young at the OM, Senah Mango is in a legal limbo nearly unprecedented in France.

Champion de France des – 16 ans, ce défenseur central togolais de 18 ans, promis au plus bel avenir aurait dû intégrer l'équipe première de Marseille , la saison passée.

Champion of France - 16 years, Togolese defender of 18 years, promised a great future would have been the first team from Marseille last season.

Seul problème, la Fédération Française de Football lui a retiré sa licence, indispensable pour le football de haut niveau. La raison ?

Only problem, the French Football Federation has withdrawn its license, required for high level football. The reason?

La protection des jeunes ressortissants étrangers mise en place par la FFF pour éviter une certaine dérive constatée actuellement dans le football moderne et que certains clubs anglais pourraient payer très cher.

The protection of young foreigners introduced by the FFF to avoid some drift currently found in modern football and some English clubs could pay dearly.

Situation qui ne concerne pas le jeune défenseur phocéen.

Situation that does not concern the young defender Phocaean.

Alors qu'il ne peut toujours pas jouer avec son club, Senah Mango est régulièrement appelé par le sélectionneur du Togo qui en a fait un titulaire indiscutable, ce qui prouve la valeur dujeune joueur, qui rappelons-le n'a que 18 ans.

While he still can not play with his club Senah Mango is regularly called by the coach of Togo who was a holder indisputable, which proves the value of young players, who remember him only 18 years .

Mais l'affaire serait sur le point de trouver son épilogue.

But the case was about to find its epilogue.

Selon La Provence , le Comité National Olympique du Sport Français a expressément demandé à l'OM de reformuler une demande de licence auprès de la FFF, qui aurait tout intérêt à donner une suite favorable à cette demande, sous peine de s'attirer les foudres du CNOSF.

According to Provence, the National Olympic Sports French specifically asked OM to reapply for license with the FFF, which would be well advised to respond favorably to this request, on pain of incurring the wrath the CNOSF.

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Found another:

Yesterday, before the appeal board of the League, the file Senah Mango, a young Togolese international has been studied.

En raison de l'agitation à Marseille, aucun représentant de l'OM n'était présent.

Because of the turmoil in Marseilles, no representative of the OM was present.

Par un courrier, le club s'est fait excuser.

In a letter, the club was excused.

Le cas du défenseur, champion de France avec les 16 ans en 2008, est inquiétant.

If the defender, champion of France with 16 years in 2008, is worrying.

En début de saison, la FFF a refusé de lui délivrer une licence .

Earlier this season, the FFF has refused to issue him a license.

Elle reprochait à l'OM de ne pas avoir demandé la lettre de sortie à la fédération togolaise.

She complained that the OM did not have asked for the discharge letter to the Togolese federation.

Or, dans ce cas précis concernant les jeunes joueurs, les démarches ont lieu entre Fédérations.

But in this case about young players, the steps take place between Federations.

Bref, la FFF reprochait à l'OM de ne pas avoir fait le travail...

In short, the FFF OM criticized for not doing the job ...

fédéral !


Senah Mango a donc été suspendu de toutes compétitions en France, mais il peut évoluer avec son équipe nationale.

Senah Mango has been suspended from all competitions in France, but it can move with the national team.



Saisie, la commission d'appel de la LFP avait proposé une conciliation devant la CNOSF.

Entering the appeal board of the LFP had proposed a reconciliation before the CNOSF.

Elle insistait sur le fait de ne pas pénaliser la carrière d'un jeune joueur , en privilégiant l'aspect humain au détriment de l'administratif.

She insisted not to penalize the career of a young player, emphasizing the human aspect to the detriment of the administration.

Le CNOSF a abondé en ce sens.

The CNOSF abounded in this direction.

La Fédération a rejeté la conciliation.

The Federation has rejected the reconciliation.

Hier, la commission d'appel de la LFP a donc entériné la décision.

Yesterday, the appeal board of the LFP has endorsed the decision.

Mango reste suspendu.

Mango still suspended.

Il a tout juste 18 ans.

He was just 18 years.

C'est pathétique.

How pathetic.

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