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4 questions i need help with please

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1)if i watch every match that i play on full match will this slow down the game proccessing speed in the long term, compared to if i was only to view key highlights etc ?

2)does having staff on wages affect finances e.g. if you lower a staffs wages will this increase the clubs intake , and if so is their any way i can see this ?

3)i have lost one of my staff and got compensated 2k for this loss , however my net spend is 2k in the red , when i have not spent anything icon_confused.gif

4) my game play time is at 9hours + and i am only in august , is this normal ?

answers will be greatly appreciated

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1. it will stil be the same, the things you see on full match are wha is happening anyway, just you are choosing not to view them.

2. im not sure if staff wages are in the wage budget, but obviously the more staff you have the more it takes off your total budget, im not sure how you check apart from looking at the staff screen and adding them up yourself.

3. it is spent, so you have 'spent' minus, if that makes sense.

4. depends if you fly through season watch games never holiday spend an age looking at players, mine is about 30 hours after 3 seasons, but i watch tv at the same time, it will get quicker once you have a team set up. doesnt really matter anyway.

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