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Current/Potential Ability Guide *NO PLAYER NAMING*

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In the Editor, there are tens of thousands of players and they all have Current and Potential Abilities. These two attributes can define a player and most of the times they give you an accurate description of how good a player is. We will call Current Ability: CA and Potential Ability: PA in this guide, to make things easier.

We also need to know that PA’s have two types as well:

  • fixed PA
  • negative potential

Fixed potentials are quiet simple, the interesting part is when we see those minus signs.. More about it a tad later though. First about CA and fixed PA!

Not sure how does researching for Sports Interactive works, but my guess is that after a player’s attributes are assigned to the respective dude, CA is automatically calculated. There are a few attributes which are "CA free", not taking any points from the ability, but the majority of them take away points from the CA. These are calculated taking in consideration the position of the player, the strength of his feet and the preferred moves he might have.

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