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Rolling Auto Save - recommended settings?

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Just wondering what setting most people use for the Automatic Rolling Save options?

I ask because yesterday I experienced my first crash dump on FM10 during the saving of my game. Luckily for me, I found a backup version of my save game had been saved during the crash. Regrettably, I had still lost a couple of weeks of progress though. :( I absolutely hate losing some progress and having to play matches for a second time. :mad:

Going off slightly at a tangent for a moment, what I would really like to see on a future FM is a manual rolling save. Right now, FM will give you rolling saves when using the automatic setting, but if you hit ctrl-s or save manually, it just saves over the latest version. This would be most useful for people like me, who tend to hit ctrl-s automatically after finishing a game in order to ensure that my progress is not lost!

Anyway, back to the main thrust of this thread. What settings do people use for the Automatic Rolling Save?

I've tended to go for saving 'every fortnight' and using the '3 file rolling auto save'. Right now, I'm thinking of changing this to 'every week' and using the '5 file rolling auto save'. Is that overkill? The other thing I am worried about is if saving so often could fragment or potentially corrupt the save file?

Thanks for any advice. I'd be interested to hear how other people backup their precious saves!



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Rolling 3 game autosave, set weekly is what I have always used. If you have a problem, you rarely lose any more than 1 game.

Having spent a lot of my forum time trying to help those with crash problems who have no back up at all, I would like to see the rolling 3 game autosave function be set as the deafult in Preferences and it would be used unless the user actually over-rides the default- that way most users would have a back up save as default and not as choice.

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I have mine on a daily 5-file rolling autosave. The time it takes to save is negligible, and this way, its highly unlikely I have ro replay any matches if something does go wrong...

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