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Screen Flow and jobs

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Something that bugged me before was missing out on potential jobs elsewhere, through failure to look at that jobs section that regularly.

Hooray I thought, the news option would inform me of any job coming up. But it doesn't - only in your league or the team you subscribe to. I don't want to subscribe to every league possible, as I believe the managerial jobs come under transfers, and I don't want to know about every transfer.


Then I heard about the Screen flow option. Hooray again I thought - I can simply set it so that the jobs screen automatically comes up every day say...

but no - you can only select competitions as far as I know (ie: league table, awards etc). I want to select something else apart from competitions, but I can't at the moment.

Does anyone know if it is possible for the game to automatically take me to the jobs screen regularly or am I stuck in missing better jobs coming about?

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Thanks - wasn't aware that all the jobs were shown in the news section, obviously missing them! I personally hate the news screen anyway, it is too busy and confusing in my opinion. It was a let down too with the subscriptions, as I thought the subscriptions would appear in your inbox so you wouldn't miss anything. That is probably down to unreal expectations anyway..

Is there anyway to get the screen flow to go to the jobs page regularly? That way I can avoid the news page all together.

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On a similar note, can we only add screens from competitions to the Screen Flow? I'd like to be able to add my team statistics screen to the screen flow as well as a couple of other club screens but I can only add screens for the Championship at the moment.

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