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Nickname Suggestions

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I have just bought a keeper called BRUNO but I have a dilemma which is that I have a striker called BRUNO as well so I'm asking if people can give me suggestions to give either one a nickname, so far I may just call the keeper, keeper :) Thanks

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Is he brazilian? Where he was born? If he was born in the following states you can add this to his nickname:

SP (São Paulo) - Bruno Paulista

RJ (Rio de Janeiro) - Bruno Carioca

PE (Pernambuco) - Bruno Pernambucano

BA (Bahia) - Bruno Baiano

MG (Minas Gerais) - Bruno Mineiro

RS (Rio Grande do Sul) - Bruno Gaúcho

CE (Ceará) - Bruno Cearense

GO (Goiás) - Bruno Goiano

You can also add his full name as a nickname, for example if his name is Bruno Silva, just add Bruno Silva as his full nickname.

For many brazilians you can also use diminutives, like "Ronaldinho", "Fabinho", and such, so you can just use his nickname as "Bruninho" as well. Augmentatives are also possible, like "Brunão"...

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