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Does it really make a difference?

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A note to anybody who classes themselves as a hardcore FM.

Do changing tactics and training really make a difference?

I never bother with them and keep it all very normal as I think to myself, if I do change it, how long do I give these new regimes to work out and how do I know if I am counteracting one tactic by doing another, etc..

Does anybody think they really make a difference?


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Player instructions make a massive and obvious difference. Just try it and see.

I was sceptical for a long time about whether training really mattered much. It never seemed to have any effect as far as I could tell, but my latest training regimes have made a huge difference. It is hard to get it right though because it takes so long before you can even tell if a particular schedule is having an effect.

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Well I can't get access to that forum, it says there is no posts.

I also thought it was obviously for people who use the tactics and training, but I'm just wondering if people had examples or experience of them being any benefit and what makes them decide what to tactics/training orders to give out.

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Both are important. On many an occasion I've noticed a change in my tactics making a difference, and I've also noticed a difference in the development of players depending on their training regime.

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