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Key attributes for a good ass man?

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i look for man management, tactical knowledge, potential/ability judgement, discipline, motivation, ...in order of diminishing importance.

These are the attributes I look for as well and I also try and find someone who has the same nationality as me, but being Scottish this can be difficult ;)

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potential ability judgement first, because that way the team report is always correct.....

I think you mean Judging Current Ability for team reports. Now 'DDM' - determination, discipline and motivation are important for all staff. Man management if you want him to do team talks and maybe press confs, tactics if you want him to control the reserves.

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It all depends what you're looking for.

High Man Management if you're looking to assign him to take control of team talks and press conferences.

High Judging Player Ability (JPA) if you value his input when assessing the squad or potential transfer targets.

High Judging Player Potential (JPP) if he's managing your reserve and/or U-18 also for judging potential transfer targets. He's less likely to offer crap youth players a contract if their potential is bad.

High Tactical Knowledge if you value his input during games and if he takes over certain games. Also if you allow him to use his tactics if he's in control of youth teams. I generally tend to let the youth teams play with the formation my first team use so they are used to it by the time they enter the team.

Working with youngsters if he's going to deal with them obviously.

Also make sure he's determined. I think it's important but I've never ran or read about tests that conclusively prove it's a necessary attribute in the game.

Motivation and Discipline you don't really need if you can afford to hire an extra coach with these attributes to take part in all the different training sessions.

Think about what you want your Ass Man to do. I generally try to find one with High Man Management, Tactical knowledge, JPA and Determination because I let him take control of press conferences and I sometimes look at his suggestions during a game. I tend to assign other coaches to run my youth set up when I'm at a bigger club. If you're at a smaller club try to find a balanced Ass Man.

I can give you a suggestion of a really good Ass Man that can be found at the beginning of the game if you like.

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